The Center Welcomes Kelly Kurtz Majewski as the New iGROW Program Director

May 17, 2023

We would like to welcome Kelly Majewski M.Ed. to the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University Team! Kelly Kurtz Majewski has accepted the position of iGROW Program Director and will be leading the rural transition work in Central Texas as well as future replication sites across Texas. The iGROW impact report for year one is included in this post. Kelly has served the field of education in rural areas for over 20 years as a classroom teacher, educational diagnostician and transition coordinator. She grew up in a small town on the coast and now lives in Giddings with her husband of 22 years Neal, a high school teacher and coach. They have 3 children, Taylor 19 (a freshman aggie), Karli 14 and Mason 11. She has served as the district transition coordinator and the transition employment designee (TED) with Giddings ISD.

“Helping prepare young students with disabilities for life after high school is my passion and to be able to assist others in this role is a dream. The success I have witnessed due to the preparation provided by iGrow is incredible. I could not be more grateful for this opportunity to serve the students, their families and community. “

We are THRILLED to have Kelly join our leadership team and are excited to experience the impact iGROW will continue to have on rural communities and students with disabilities transitioning to competitive integrated employment and/or postsecondary education opportunities - college!

For more information about iGROW: