Work Incentives Planning and Assistance, Hawaii WIPA

HI-Hawaii Center on Disability Studies UCEDD/JABSOM LEND Program
Program Type UCEDD Fiscal Year 2020
Contact Chin Lee
Email [email protected]    
Phone 808-956-9142    
Project Description
The goal of the Hawaiʻi WIPA program is to enable beneficiaries with disabilities to make informed choices about work, and to support working beneficiaries to make a successful transition to self-sufficiency. Our project is staffed with Community Work Incentives Coordinator (CWIC) who will:

provide in-depth counseling about benefits and the effect of work on those benefits;
conduct outreach efforts to beneficiaries of SSI and SSDI (and their families) who are potentially eligible to participate in Federal or State work incentives programs; and
work in cooperation with Federal, State, and private agencies and nonprofit organizations that serve disabled SSI and SSDI beneficiaries.

The WIPA program provides beneficiaries with the following information and support services.

Information and Referral: Basic information in response to inquiries about all Federal & State benefits programs, and referral to government agencies & other community resources.
Problem Solving and Advocacy: Involves solving specific Federal and State benefit & work incentive issues & may include advocating on your behalf with other agencies.
Benefits Analysis and Advisement: An assessment of real or potential effects of employment or similar changes that will impact your overall financial wellbeing and the effects of employment on benefits. In addition, the analysis informs beneficiaries of various work incentives and supports available & the effect of using those services and supports to achieve your work goal.
Work Incentives Planning: Developing a plan to achieve your employment goal with you.
Benefits Management: Teaching you when and how to report changes to your earnings or situation, what records to keep, and what to expect as your earnings increase.