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National Training Directors Council (NTDC)

The purpose of the National Training Directors Council (NTDC) is to serve as a focus and forum for the identification and discussion of issues related to preservice and in-service interdisciplinary training. NTDC functions as a representative voice of preservice interdisciplinary training interests and concerns within the AUCD Network, and influences the development and implementation of national training policies and initiatives, and shares best practices and exemplary resources developed and used by UCEDDs and LENDs across the nation.

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How NTDC Relates to Center Work

The National Training Director Council works for and with training directors and responds to their and the Network's needs. Current areas of support include:

  • The development of culturally competent interdisciplinary preservice training for individuals enrolled in Network training programs.
  • Developing curriculum and training for self-advocates and family members.
  • Incorporating community members and practicing professionals in their training programs in a manner which promotes diversity and inclusion.
  • The NTDC also supports and mentors training directors in their own development as leaders who build the capacity of the Network to affect change at the local, state, and national levels.

How to Get Involved

The Council is composed of one representative from each AUCD Network member who is the Preservice Education Coordinator and/or Training Director/Coordinator or a designee who best represents the overall training interests of that Center or Program. The full Council meets once a year in conjunction with the AUCD Conference. The NTDC Steering Committee and the Council's task force/ad hoc committees also meet in person once a year and as needed during the year through conference calls.

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