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Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan 1: An Interdisciplinary Approach

Fall 2010 Syllabus for LEND Core Course: Center for Development and Learning at UNC

This 2 credit course is offered as a required course in the LEND training curriculum and as an elective course for a limited number of additional students interested in the field of developmenal disabilities.

pdf File Fall 2010 Syllabus for LEND Core Course.pdf [download]


Audiology LEND Competencies for Intermediate off-site LEND trainees

The instructions for the attached document are the following: Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5 how comfortable you are with your skill set in the following areas. Please circle the appropriate number or indicate the appropriate number next to the item.

doc File CO MDHC Audiology LEND Competencies.doc [download]


Theory of Mind and Emotion Recognition in Children with Hearing Loss

Social behaviors, personal adjustment, emotion regulation, and emotion understanding can be adversely affected for children with hearing loss. These delays are influenced by speech and language ability, but other factors, such as emotion recognition and ToM, might influence development of social and emotional abilities in children with hearing loss as well. Emotion recognition, including the ability to discriminate the various expressions of emotions in facial, gestural, and verbal display, is not well defined for children with hearing loss. ToM refers to the understanding that people have intentions, desires, knowledge, and beliefs, and that these mental states might be different from their own and influence one?s behavior. This understanding underlies the development of many abilities that involve social cognition, including symbolic play, role-taking ability, and referential communication. Deaf children with hearing parents and those with cochlear implants are delayed in ToM development.

pdf File TN ER ToM poster ASHA 2009 11 15 09.pdf [download]


Young Children?s Attitudes Toward Their Peers Who Wear Hearing Aids

This study has demonstrated that when forced to make a choice between a peer with a hearing aid versus a peer without a hearing aid, children were more likely to choose a peer with a hearing aid as being poorer at physical tasks and as having less acceptance from their peers. In addition to these findings, children who wore a hearing aid were considered to be not as well liked as their peers without a hearing aid.

pdf File TN t35Poster revised2.pdf [download]
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