3 Resources from the Assuring Better Child Health and Development (ABCD) Screening Academy

May 8, 2009

State Policy Improvements that Support Effective Identification of Children At-Risk for Developmental Delay (March 2009)

>>http://www.nashp.org/files/State_Policy.pdf. Summarizes strategies used by ABCD Screening Academy members to improve state policies designed to support primary care providers' use of a validated developmental screening tool as part of well-child care. Examples include changing state statutes, regulations, contracts and provider manuals, and changing eligibility and claims processing systems.

State Strategies to Support Practice Changes that Improve Identification of Children at Risk for or with Developmental Delays (March 2009)

>>http://www.nashp.org/files/State_Strategies.pdf. Describes approaches used by ABCD Screening Academy members to support providers as they worked to improve developmental screening in primary care. Examples include serving as a trusted source of information, providing funding and direct support, and facilitating access to follow-up services.

Measurement to Support Effective Identification of Children at Risk for Developmental Delay (April 2009)

>>http://www.nashp.org/files/screening_academy_results.pdf. Examines the efforts of ABCD Screening Academy members to collect and use meaningful data in order to make the case for change, develop and refine training targeted to primary care provider needs, and assess whether changes had the intended effect.