Cellular and Molecular Biophysics of Membranes

Date: 10/23/2005 - 10/25/2005
Location: Rockefeller University, New York

Sponsor: Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics (LCMB), DIR, NICHD
Purpose: It is becoming increasingly clear that the membranes of cells are highly organized – more than hitherto believed. Since half of all proteins elaborated by cells live on or in their membranes, it is likely that half of all inherited disorders and maladies of developmental disorganization also have their origin at the cellular membrane. The essence of the actions of these proteins is that they work in a membrane phase that is both hydrophobic and hydrophilic, thus their mechanism of action must rely upon the physics of this special phase. The purpose of this symposium is to establish an annual meeting to bring together the very top thinkers (and their students and fellows) in the field of membrane biophysics as it relates to the problems of membrane transport, synaptic transport and neuronal development, lipid bilayers and surfactant monolayers, lipid microdomains, intracellular calcium release. At the same time, we will strive to match these basic scientist with clinical researchers interested in disorders of cholesterol metabolism, brain oxygenation, and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Organizer: Dr. Joshua Zimmerberg, Chief, LCMB, DIR, NICHD
For Information:
Ken Mamot, Administrative Laboratory Manager, LCMB, NICHD
Tel: (301) 594-2112
Fax: (301) 480-2417
Email: [email protected]

Last Edited: 10/20/05 06:02 PM by Alan Percy