Tip Sheets are intended to provide guidance and share peer practices of specific aspects of UCEDD operations, grant management, and core grant application development. Tip sheets clarify requirements outlined in the DD Act, related federal regulations, and/or ACL's Quality Review System processes as appropriate; and also share experiences and recommendations from network peers.
Admin Essentials
Core Functions
- Demonstration Services
This tip sheet will provide guidance on the planning and implementation of demonstration services. According to the UCEDD logic model, the definition of demonstration services is as follows: "Services that field test promising or exemplary practices and may be integrated with training, research and/or dissemination functions."
- Developing UCEDD Core Functions Plans
This tip sheet addresses creating plans to carry out the UCEDD Core Functions. Each of the core functions are outlined by the DD act, defined by the UCEDD logic model, and reported through NIRS.
- Product Development
This tip sheet addresses product development and information dissemination. According to the UCEDD logic model, information dissemination is the distribution of knowledge-based information through UCEDD developed products and activities.
- Research
This tip sheet will provide guidance on the planning and implementation of the research core function. According to the UCEDD logic model, the definition of research is as follows: "Implementation of basic and applied research, program evaluation, and analysis of public policy on issues impacting individuals with developmental disabilities."
- Community Service Training
This tip sheet will provide guidance on designing and implementing training programs that enhance the knowledge of a variety of community members, including individuals with developmental and other disabilities, their families, professionals, policymakers,students and others in the community. According to the UCEDDlogic model, training is "provided by UCEDD faculty/staff to enhanceknowledge of a variety of community members (individuals with developmental and other disabilities, their families, professionals,paraprofessionals, policymakers, students or others in the community).
- Model Services
This tip sheet will provide guidance on the planning and implementation of model services. According to the UCEDD logic model, model services are "specialized services delivered with the intention to enhance the well-being and status of the recipient and not testing new practices and may be integrated with training, research, and/or dissemination functions." Prior to logic model revisions in 2011 and 2012, model services were known as "direct services."
- Technical Assistance
This tip sheet will provide guidance on the technical assistance (TA) core function. According to the UCEDD logic model, technical assistance is a "direct problem-solving services provided UCEDD faculty/staff to assist individuals with developmental and other disabilities, families, programs, agencies, or other entities in improving their outcomes, services, management, and/or policies."
- Continuing Education
This tip sheet addresses Continuing Education. According to the UCEDD logic model, continuing education are seminar(s) or courses of instruction offered by a UCEDD that: Serve to maintain professional credentials; Encourage professionals to expand their knowledge base and stay up-to-date on new developments, AND Offer certificates of completion or CEUs (or their equivalents).
- Interdisciplinary Pre-Service Preparation
This tip sheet addresses interdisciplinary pre-service preparation.
Emerging Needs
Grant Management
- Carryover Requests and No-Cost Extensions
This tip sheet will discuss guidance for requesting a carryover of funds into a subsequent budget year, as well as a non-competitive increase of time for the final budget period.
- Needs Assessment for the UCEDD Core Grant
The state/Territory needs assessment is a critical first step in preparing the UCEDD 5-year core grant application (also referred to as the strategic plan). This Tip Sheet provides information specific to planning and conducting the needs assessment, and using the resulting data to inform the core grant application.
- Negotiating UCEDD-University Agreements
UCEDDs must apply for core funding from ACL every five years. ACL requests a copy of the UCEDD-University agreement, MOU, or charter to be included in the 5-year core grant application. This Tip Sheet provides information specific to negotiating such an agreement with the UCEDD's host university. Throughout the Tip Sheet, the term "MOU" will be used to refer to whatever type of agreement is developed between the UCEDD and its host or affiliated University.