Call for UCEDD LEND ECHO Organizations
The Wyoming Institute for Disabilities is inviting organizations across the network to join the newly formed UCEDD LEND ECHO Collaborative. These monthly calls are open to any UCEDD or LEND program that is currently replicating or interested in implementing the ECHO model. The collaborative will allow UCEDD, LEND, and partner agencies to share successes, challenges, and strategies in using the ECHO model to build capacity throughout their programs supporting individuals with developmental disabilities.
Read More >The IOD Welcomes Its First Director of Operations
On March 6, 2023, the IOD will welcome its first Director of Operations, Lisa Leach. Lisa brings new and diverse leadership experience in healthcare and human services to this position. The IOD Director of Operations will provide leadership and support for core functions across IOD projects and programs in the areas of HR, office management, staff development, and technology. She will work as a member of the IOD Management Team.
Read More >The Institute on Disability is pleased to announce that Jennifer Sulewski, PhD, has been named Associate Director of the Institute on Disability (IOD), as well as Assistant Research Professor. As a Senior Research Associate and Project Manager at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) at UMass Boston, Sulewski brings knowledge and an interest in community life engagement, evaluation, community building, and employment services and supports to this new and unique position at the IOD.
Read More >The Ohio State University Nisonger Center Launches Project STEER
The Ohio State University Nisonger Center is proud to announce the launch of our Project STEER (Stakeholders Engaged in Early Intervention Research) website! The website contains a variety of resources related to early autism intervention research and consultation, including an early autism intervention Research Agenda created by our stakeholder teams, and a Consultation Workbook to guide researchers in their efforts to collaborate effectively with autism community stakeholders.
Read More >UCCEDD Receives NIDILRR Grant to Study Ableism
The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) has awarded the University of Cincinnati Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCCEDD) at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) a Field Initiative (FI) Project Grant to study the impacts of internalized, interpersonal, and systemic ableism in healthcare services and systems.
Read More >The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center (VKC) and the Vanderbilt Peabody College Department of Special Education held a joint farewell celebration on Dec. 14 to give their best wishes to longtime faculty member Erik Carter, Ph.D., as he prepares for the next phase of his career. Elise McMillan (gray haired woman wearing a white suit) hands a framed painting to Erik Carter (a tall man with salt and pepper hair and beard wearing a plaid button-down and khaki pants.)
Read More >Iowa's UCEDD Leads EPSDT Shared Language Initiative
The Care for Kids grant program team at Iowa's Center for Disabilities and Development (CDD, Iowa's UCEDD) is leading a Shared Language Initiative to support the work of the state's Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) interagency stakeholder workgroup. The Shared Language Initiative is intended to develop a list of common terms and concepts to be used by our stakeholder workgroup and agencies to make it easier for patients, families, and providers to better understand EPSDT benefits and how they differ from other insurance benefits like CHIP. The Initiative will also support statewide efforts to promote EPSDT and its services, and meet EPSDT goals.
Read More >Georgetown UCEDD Celebrates Inclusive Schools Week
During the week of December 5-9, 2022, the Georgetown University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (GUCEDD) celebrated and participated in Inclusive Schools Week in the District of Columbia (DC). Inclusive Schools Week celebrates the progress schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to students with disabilities. GUCEDD became involved in this celebration through the encouragement of community partners, Disability Rights DC at University Legal Services (DRDC) and Advocates for Justice and Education (AJE).
Read More >Ruby Natale (UM UCEDD) is Recipient of the Micah Batchelor Award for Excellence
Ruby Natale, PhD, PsyD was honored with the 2022 Micah Batchelor Award for Excellence in Children's Health Research. As a recipient of this award, Dr. Natale's work will be focused on Improving the Social-Emotional Development and Resiliency of At-Risk Preschool Children in Childcare Centers using a Mobile Application. This award will allow her team to fulfill an important need in the community which is to improve early childhood resiliency and reduce problematic behaviors within early care and education centers through the use of a mobile app, Jump Start on the Go.
Read More >UCEDD Success Stories - University of Alaska Anchorage Center for Human Development
In the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccination rollout, there was a big push to increase access to vaccines. In Alaska, a group of organizations came together and formed the Alaska COVID-19 Vaccine Accessibility Partnership. This group focused on vaccine access for individuals with disabilities, completing projects and sharing information to better serve the needs of all Alaskans. This partnership was facilitated by Sondra LeClair, Community Services Director with the University of Alaska Anchorage, Center for Human Development (UAA CHD). The Partnership took on two major projects. The first project focused on the development and distribution of a survey by UAA CHD with input from individuals with disabilities as well as their support systems.
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