Using Developmental Networks for Interdisciplinary Mentoring and Career Development

Mentorship has been positively associated with career development and productivity. To meet current challenges, new models of mentorship have transitioned from the reliance on the dyadic (single mentor-mentee pair) and hierarchical (mentor is senior to mentee) framework to Developmental Networks. Faculty Development Offices may be interested in fostering a broader mentorship dynamic beyond the traditional dyad. The Office of Faculty Development at Boston Children's Hospital has created Developmental Networks materials to be used by other centers.

Developmental Networks initially created and disseminated in the business world, emphasize the importance of relationships with people who help get the work done, help advance one's career, and/or provide personal support. Developmental Networks consist of a small group of people to whom you can turn for professional, and personal support and advice that have a genuine interest in your learning and development. Developmental networks may include traditional scholarly/research mentors, advisors, peer mentors, e-mentors, colleagues, juniors, mentees, family, and friends who can provide access to knowledge, opportunities, and resources across institutions and cultures. 

An exercise on Developmental Networks created by the Office of Faculty Development at Boston Children's Hospital can be used at the beginning and end of training to set the stage for career development. The exercise is available for participants to reflect on their network and try out (available at

The results of our pilot are in press: Blood EA, Trent M, Gordon CM, Goncalves A, Resnick M, Fortenberry JD, Boyer CB, Richardson L, Emans SJ. Leadership in Adolescent Health: Developing the next generation of maternal child health leaders through mentorship. Matern Child Health J (epub Nov 2014).

Resource Topic(s): Interdisciplinary Training, Program Collaboration, Resources for LEND/DBP Trainees
Resource Target
LEND/DBP Faculty or Staff, LEND/DBP Leadership, LEND/DBP Trainees
Resource Format(s): Curriculum/Educational Material
Resource Published: 01/01/2014
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Contact Information:

Boston Children's Hospital/ LEAH

Jean Emans
[email protected]


1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1000, Silver Spring, MD 20910


[email protected]

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