The LEND Rural Workgroup

The LEND Rural Workgroup is open to LEND leadership, faculty, and trainees.


LEND Rural Workgroup is a new group started in March 2022. This group focuses on developing rural-specific strategies for improving access to care and resources.



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The Rural Workgroup aims to serve as a forum for LEND leadership, faculty, and trainees to share and develop rural-specific strategies related to

  • Increasing access to evidence-based direct clinical care for ASD/DD,
  • Leveraging information technology for direct care, training, and continuing education,
  • Developing curriculum materials focused on cultural competence in working with rural populations,
  • Increasing the workforce of providers with training in ASD/DD in rural and underserved areas, and
  • Leadership and advocacy across a wide range of community sectors. This workgroup meets monthly.

The LEND Rural Workgroup meets quarterly on the first Tuesday of the month at 2:00 PM ET


SharePoint Portal:

LEND Rural Workgroup - Home (

REQUEST ACCESS: Please email [email protected].