
AIR-P is excited to promote and share our recently launched Channel on Cureus, Autism and Health: Across the Lifespan.

We are seeking research and commentaries that share AIR-P’s mission to support innovative life course intervention research that promotes optimal health and well-being of autistic individuals across the lifespan.

Our research and commentaries reflect an integrated commitment to equity-driven missions by focusing on action research: research and scientific inquiry that tests novel, innovative, and promising practices and generates expedient and practical recommendations geared toward individual- and population-level health-promotion efforts.

If any of you are looking for opportunities to publish, this channel is a great place to disseminate your project’s findings as well as any additional commentaries, pilot studies, and action-oriented research.

Among many benefits, you can expect quality feedback from your peers, a simplified application process, and a rapid publishing timeline.

For any of you that may have research findings ready for dissemination, please consider our channel on Cureus, and reach out to us at [email protected] for assistance.

Screenshot image of the homepage of the Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health’s (AIR-P) Cureus website platform. The screenshot shows how to submit your research article. To show how to submit, a blue arrow is pointing to a button o