Tuesdays with Liz


AUCD Blue graphic picturing Liz Weintraub and says: Tuesdays with Liz:Disability Policy for All"Tuesdays with Liz: Disability Policy for All" is a YouTube video series highlighting current issues and hot topics in disability policy. Past guests of "Tuesdays with Liz" include U.S. Senators, AUCD’s President Elect, and key members of the disability community. 

Liz Weintraub is the host of "Tuesdays with Liz: Disability Policy for All," as well as AUCD’s Senior Advocacy Specialist. 

Liz has extensive experience practicing leadership in self advocacy and has held many board and advisory positions at state and national organizations, including the Council on Quality & Leadership (CQL) and the Maryland Development Disabilities Council.  

In 2018, Liz served as a Fellow for Senator Casey of Pennsylvania where she helped the Senator hold the administration accountable for disability policy. During the same year, Liz testified about her personal experiences as a woman with disabilities before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the potential implications of a Kavanaugh confirmation to the civil rights of people with disabilities. 

Liz has received a number of awards, recognition, and commendations for her work. Liz enjoys mentoring people with disabilities. 


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