News / Document Search Results

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Disability Policy News

AUCD, Disability Policy News, every MondayDebt ceiling; Budget; Medicare; Medicaid; Education; Health



Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Proposes Two New Rules to Improve Medicaid and CHIP

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have proposed two new rules that would improve the service and delivery of Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services and Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality. Both of the proposed rules aim to improve the access and quality of care, improve transparency, and address health inequity within Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).



Disability Policy News

AUCD, Disability Policy News, every MondayCongress; HCBS; Energy and Commerce; Mentorship; Autism; COVID-19



Disability Policy News

AUCD, Disability Policy News, every MondayCongress; Budget; Medicaid; HCBS; Education



Oklahoma LEND Graduate Makes it to the State House

Oklahoma LEND graduate, Ellyn Hefner, class of 2014, is elected to the Oklahoma House of Representatives. Prior to being accepted into the OK LEND program, Ellyn was a strong advocate for her son to ensure he would have the same opportunities as his siblings. She graduated from the Oklahoma Partners in Policymaking class sponsored by the Developmental Disability Council of Oklahoma.



Disability Policy News

AUCD, Disability Policy News, every MondayBudget; Education; Pediatrics; Guardianships

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