Proposed Changes to NTDC Operational Procedures

April 3, 2007

The Steering Committee of the National Training Directors Council is proposing that changes be made to the National Training Directors Council Operational Procedures. Most of the changes are intended to make the procedures and terminology consistent with the AUCD By-Laws that define our Council (identification of membership to the Council, changing term "Operational Procedures" to "Governing Rules"). Other changes involve consistency of titles for the Council elected officials (e.g., Chair vs. Chairman or Chairperson). The third change concerns the procedures for making Amendments to the Rules (i.e., proposed by the Steering Committee, and approved by majority of those voting).

Changes Document

Proposed Changes to the NTDC Operational Procedures (44kb: doc)

Proposed Changes to the NTDC Operational Procedures (28kb: pdf)


Members of the NTDC are asked to vote on the proposed changes to the Operational Procedures by emailing NTDC Chair Steve Koch. Members are asked to submit their votes not later than April 30, 2007.