OHSU UCEDD Completes NCI Surveys

September 17, 2013

OSHU's UCEDD completes first year of National Core Indicators! The National Core Indicators project is a voluntary effort by public developmental disabilities agencies to measure and track their own performance. The data is held in a national repository and provides invaluable information that will help guide service development, research, and policy well into the future.

The core indicators are standard measures used across the country to assess the outcomes of services provided to individuals and families. Indicators address key areas of concern including employment, legal rights, service planning, community inclusion, choice, and health and safety. The OHSU UCEDD recently completed more than 400 interviews across Oregon. These in-person interviews took a team of 8 trained interviewers, more than 833 hours to complete. This project resulted in a strong partnership between the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities, the Oregon Office of Developmental Disabilities Services, and the OHSU University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. The collaboration has allowed each of these agencies an opportunity to work together by drawing on their unique strengths and abilities.

As a result of this success, the foundation has been laid for the 2014 round of NCI surveys in Oregon which will include adults with disabilities who receive brokerage services and families who have children with disabilities beginning November 2013. The results of the Oregon NCI project are being compiled, and additional results will be available during FY2014. For more information on this project, please contact Rhonda Eppelsheimer [email protected] or Don Lollar [email protected].