AUCD Supports Enforcement of ADA Pool Accessibility Standards

Signs on to CCD statement opposing series of House and Senate Bills

April 23, 2012


pdf File CCD House pools letter.pdf (124KB) [download]

pdf File CCD Senate pools letter.pdf (119KB) [download]

H.R. 4200, introduced on March 16, 2012, would deprive the Justice Department of the authority to enforce its own regulations implementing the ADA with respect to the accessibility of swimming pools. H.R. 4256, introduced on March 26, 2012, would prohibit any court enforcement of the Justice Department's new regulations concerning pool accessibility for a period of one year from enactment of the bill and require the Justice Department to issue new regulations with weaker substantive standards (permitting portable pool lifts even where installing a permanent lift would be readily achievable). In addition, S. 2186, introduced on March 12, 2012, and S. 2191, introduced on March 14, 2012, would deprive the Justice Department of the authority to enforce its own regulations implementing the ADA with respect to the accessibility of swimming pools.