NTDC Council Minutes 2006

October 29, 2006

Washington, DC

The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Steve Koch.

Introductions were made and the following members signed in:
Sally Stuart, University of Washington LEND; Jeffrey Okamoto, Hawaii LEND; Marion Taylor Baer, USC LEND; Anne B. Harris, USC LEND - Training Director; Judith M Holt, UTAH LEND and UCED; Terry Longhurst, Wyoming UCEDD; Roz Parrish, Cincinnati LEND and UCED; Carolyn Richardson, New Mexico LEND and UCED; Toby Long, DC UCED at Georgetown; Paula Rabidoux, Ohio LEND; Diane Williams, WV UCED and LEND; Mary Ellen Zeppuhar, WV UCED; Michelle Schladant, LEND, UCEDD, MCCD; Karen Applequist, Arizona UCEDD at NAU; Tom Pavkov, Indiana LEND; Julia Searl Rusert, CT UCEDD; Crystal Pariseau, AUCD; Marilyn Hartzell for Kathleen Shelton, OHSU LEND; Jean Beatson, UVM LEND; Patty Prelock, UVM LEND; Bryce Fifield, ND CPD; Mathew Wappett, Idaho UCEDD; Tokesha Warner, Vanderbilt LEND; Steven Koch, Indiana LEND; Ronda Jenson, Mo UCEDD; David Helm, Children's Hospital LEND; Steve Sulkes, University of Rochester LEND; Kay Conklin Mo LEND

Virtual Trainee
Steve welcomed Rene Jamison, the newly appointed virtual trainee from the Kansas LEND.

Mentoring for New Training Directors
The new training directors briefly discussed their programs and their issues that are priorities. The following matches were made: Judith Holt will mentor Matt Wappett; David Helm will mentor the training director from Mailman Center; Sally Stuart will mentor Tokesha Warner; and Kathleen Shelton will mentor Ronda Jenson.

David Helm moved and Steve Sulkes seconded a motion to approve the minutes from the 2004 annual meeting. Mary Ellen Zeppuhar asked that her name be changed from Mary Ann. The motion carried.

Vicki Pappas moved and Ruth Roberts seconded a motion that the minutes from the 2005 meeting be approved. Motion carried.

Old Business
The following workgroups are forming and will break out to begin their plan for the upcoming year's work. These groups are

  1. Evaluating leadership outcomes - Bruce Shapiro will chair and will coordinate efforts with the MCHB workgroup. Terry Longhurst has agreed to serve as co-chair.
  2. Updating curricular resources - Matt Wappett will chair.
  3. Trainee Linkages - This is a continuing workgroup Sue Pearson and Roland Ellis will co-chair, however, due to their absences, David Deere (past chair) will fill in for this meeting. Renee Jamison and Crystal will assist.
  4. Trainee Diversity - This will be a joint effort with this council and the Multicultural Council. Steve Sulkes and Carolyn will co-chair and coordinate with Kimberly Walker Norton, chair of the Multicultural Council. Kathy Shelton is the former chair of this group.

Meritorious Service Award
This council nominated both Ann Cox and Rita Holstein (former, longterm training directors) to receive the AUCD Meritorious Service Award which will be presented to them on Wed. Both are now retired and both contributed greatly to the forming of this council.

There was discussion re: the possibility of developing an award to be presented by this council. No decision was made.

Training Symposium
There was not a training symposium last year as that was the Alliance for Full Participation meeting. This year members from all councils served on the planning committee to bring Dick Sobsey and Patricia Sullivan in to talked about Violence against People with Disabilities. 93 participants have registered.

New Business
MCHB Workgroup
Bruce Shapiro shared the draft definition of Interdisciplinary training/practice. It will be sent to all LEND's and Training Directors for comment which should be turned back in before Thanksgiving.

LEND Family Activities
Darla Cohen and Ruth Roberts shared the products from the 2005 Family Faculty Workgroup - The competencies for the family trainee and guidebook of Family Mentoring. They will both present this information to the LEND directors and in a workshop later in the conference.

New AUCD Website
Crystal provided an overview of the new features of the updated AUCD website which should be available the first of the year. One of the new features is a guided tour of the site.

The occupational and physical therapy disciplines will meet at the March LEND meetings.

Vicky Pappas moved and Kay Conklin seconded that we have a listing of the training directors on our web site. Motion carried.

Workgroup Breakouts and Reports
Following the breakouts, the following reports were provided.

Trainee Linkage Workgroup
David Deere for the Trainee Linkage group recommended changing the name of the group; possibly identifying a local virtual trainee at each site; developing a two page paper on engaging trainees; and having trainee pages.

Evaluating Leadership Workgroup
Bruce Shapiro for the Evaluating Leadership group:

  • The process of defining and measuring leadership has evolved since the early 90's.
  • Increasing emphasis has been placed on measurement
    • GPRA Measures
    • Agency performance is judged by outcomes
    • MCHB Performance Measures
    • HRSA Office of Performance Review
    • ADD Annual Reports
  • Early attempts of measurement were not focused.
    • Questions not clear
    • Desire to capture the uniqueness of the programs
    • Use not clear-compilation distills the qualitative features
  • Costs of measurement are increasing
  • Current methods of data collection dependent on trainee report
    • Compliance marginal
    • Burden great
    • Do not address all information that individual programs would like
    • Some programs have modified the Sodata that is collected
  • Some techniques discussed that might ease data collection/compilation
    • Shortening form
    • Using internet based processes (e.g., survey monkey)
    • Make discipline directors responsible for the collection so it does not all fall on the training director
  • The goals of intermediate term training and long-term training may differ re: leadership. The types of trainees should not be conflated.

Consensus was reached on the following:

  • Leadership is a dynamic process
  • Leadership is not defined by a job title
  • Leadership may be exhibited at different levels of an organization
  • Leadership can be expressed in different ways
    • Administration
    • Research
    • Education/Training
    • Advocacy
    • Clinical
      • This was the hardest to define
  • The uniqueness of the programs should be maintained
    • The data collected will not reflect all aspects of the programs.
      • There are important qualitative factors that are not reflected in a "fill in the box" approach.
    • The programs should not alter their activities to meet the outcome data collection requirements (We should not "teach to the test")
  • Measuring the teaching of leadership traits will not ensure that leadership will be captured.
  • Action Items:
    • Establish a list serve for the work group. Alternatively we could use the training directors list serve and not seek exclusivity.
    • Discuss what is the minimum data that is required to be collection.
      • What do the funding agencies need?
      • How are they going to use the data?
      • What alternatives may be used?
    • Ask the programs that have truncated their data collection to share their forms with the larger group.
    • Link with the interdisciplinary services council.
    • Work to define clinical leadership (Provide examples of clinical research)
    • Decide how to address intermediate term trainees

Core Curriculum Workgoup
Matt Wappett for the Updating curriculum group

Members Present: Matthew Wappett, Chair (ID), Karen Applequist (AZ), Ronda Jenson (MO), Vicki Pappas (IN), Toby Long (DC), Tom Pavkov (IN)

Our discussion centered on the need to come up with a utilitarian and searchable database that captures the complexity of the training programs and curricula at both UCEDD's and LEND's. Vicki shared that, in the past, it was difficult to collect this material because the diversity and different varieties of curricula made it confusing for training directors to decide how much should be shared. After trying to come up with a preliminary taxonomy of different curricula, competencies, and other training materials, we decided to look at training programs more broadly and develop an initial template that would gather information on the following training program aspects:

  • Center Type (UCEDD, LEND, combined)
  • Training Director
  • Program level (undergraduate, graduate, post-doc)
  • Program "house" (is it self-contained at the UCEDD/LEND? Housed in another department? Where do the credits come from?)
  • Program delivery methods (i.e. didactic, residential internship, community-based internship, distance learning, etc.)
  • Keywords that describe the program focus (i.e. disability studies, early intervention, mental health, clinical psychology, positive behavior supports, assistive technology etc.)
  • Specific disciplinary studies (i.e. degree and/or certificate programs)
  • Brief ½ page description of core competencies, core curriculum, and program structure.
  • A copy of Trainee Handbook, if available.

We are going to pilot this template with the workgroup members and then, based upon responses, refine the template to send out to all UCEDD & LEND programs to begin gathering a central repository on training program focus and structure.

We also discussed beginning to gather curriculum materials (syllabi, handbooks, learning activities, etc.) for two discrete content areas: Disability Studies and distance learning based courses.

We also wanted to know whether there would be some way to access, and make available to other training directors, the curricula and training materials that are reported on and submitted through NIRS. This is an item for future follow-up.

  • Action Items: Over the next 6 months we, as a group, are going to focus on the following items:
  • Developing and refining the program structure template outlined above.
  • Getting program structure data, using the refined template, from all constituent UCEDD and LEND programs.
  • Recruiting additional workgroup members from NTDC members not at the face-to-face meeting
  • Hold quarterly workgroup conference calls.
  • Talk with AUCD staff about collecting, warehousing, and making curricular resources available online.

Trainee Diversity Workgroup
Steve Sulkes for the Trainee diversity group: (Reframing of Recruitment and Retention Workgroup)

Participants: Steve Sulkes, Carolyn Richardson, Tokesha Warner,Paula Rabidoux, Jean Beatson, Diane Williams


  • Past activities/lessons:
    • Recruitment efforts of individuals from minority populations frustrating, since trainees reflect the universities in which they're studying (our universities, and also partners)
      • Students not going into health care in some parts of country, impeding recruitment efforts
    • 2005-06 NIRS data: % white looks like national, but big national/network differences among specific minorities (12.3/6.0 Black, 12.5/6.9 Hispanic, but 3.6/6.9 Asian, 5.5/13.5 "other")
    • MCH Pipeline programs.
      • Some in place now, available every 3 years.
      • Relationships with "minority serving institutions" as feeders to MCHB funded leadership programs.
    • Affiliations
      • Vermont/Howard
      • Vanderbilt alliances Meharry Medical College (medicine, dental), Tennessee State (PT, videoconf technology), Fisk Univ. (Pipeline proposal)
    • Create diversity relationships within home universities
    • Consider broader (disability, sexual orientation, deaf, others) culture inclusion as a diversity target
      • Family faculty/trainees
    • Blending of cultures: Native Americans on "healing" pathways with their tribes don't see western health-related careers as relevant.
      • Integrative medicine
    • Rural distance learning experiences to pull in minority communities
      • Ohio State/Ohio University relationship re: PTs
        • Vanderbilt
        • Vermont
        • But...need for adequate experience to transform hearts and minds of trainees beyond distance and visit/tour

Followup phone call to be arranged.

  • Pipeline projects-talk more with MCHB [Carolyn]
  • Review MCHB Diversity Workgroup efforts [Steve]
  • Economic diversity [group discussion and fleshing out]
    • Start with recruitment of high school programs
    • "Describe yourself" at orientation
    • Optional section on application-find out data measures that matter to funders
      • ? 1st generation to go to college or grad school
      • ? family relationships to people with disabilities
  • Sharing resources [Everybody]
    • Application forms
    • Mission statements
    • Evaluation on line facilitates distance learning/relationships
    • Faculty/professional staff recruitment & retention (cooperative with Multicultural Council)
      • Statements of principles
      • Recognize that programs should reflect their states, not the whole country.
      • Encourage ADD and MCHB broadening performance measures to include broader definitions of cultural diversity.
    • Give trainees experiences in service, community education, and research that focus on underserved/minority communities [collect examples for web via Multicultural Council survey]