2011 Council on Community Advocacy Award

November 9, 2011

Elisabeth Dykens (center) with AUCD President-Elect Tony Antosh and AUCD President Dan Crimmins
Elisabeth Dykens (center) with AUCD President-Elect Tony Antosh and AUCD President Dan Crimmins

The Council on Community Advocacy Award is presented to a Center that has exhibited the strongest commitment to support the full and active participation of self-advocates and family members on its consumer advisory council.

Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Vanderbilt University

In Recognition of Your Commitment and Support of Full and Active Participation of Self-Advocates and Family Members

"The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center demonstrates leadership in the promotion and use of assistive technology to enhance the lives and participation of individuals with disabilities, has an outstanding record in providing and encouraging best or promising practices in person and family centered principles, and utilizes culturally competent approaches and overall consumer accessibility. In the six years since VKC became a UCEDD, it has grown and expanded its training, communication, research and service in the community. The Community Advisory Council is an integral part in advising and providing suggestions to the UCEDD faculty and staff. Approximately 75% of the CAC members are self-advocates and family members from across Tennessee."