2011 Disability Policy Seminar Photos and Presentations Available

February 22, 2011

Website Link  http://www.flickr.com/photos/aucd/sets/72157626112271212/

View photos from the 2011 DPS. Do you have photos and stories of your visit to add? Email Crystal to get your experience published!

View presentations and materials on the DPS website.



Trainees - Share Your Stories!

We want to share our experiences from the Disability Policy Seminar so the Virtual Trainee is putting together a product that will include stories, pictures, and information about what was learned at the conference. Any trainee can participate by e-mailing the virtual trainee with your responses to one or more of the following sentence/paragraph starters (include your name, discipline, and center):

  • At the Disability Policy Seminar, I...
  • On the hill, I...
  • One thing I will bring back to my LEND program is...

Please include any pictures or videos you took while at the conference; along with a caption that indicates who is in the picture. For those of you doing post-DPS debriefings at your centers I encourage you to consider filming and editing clips from that debriefing session for inclusion in the product as well. Summaries, sentences, and photos are requested by March 4th. Thank you.