It's Time to Survey Your Former Trainees!

February 7, 2011

Please note that these guidelines are for UCEDD Data Coordinators and Training Directors only. Guidelines for LENDs, LEAHs, DBPs and PPCs will be posted at a later time.

As we are already halfway through FY2011, it is good to begin surveying your former trainees. Below are included some important details and guidelines to help you with this process.

Important Timeline - UCEDD annual reports to ADD (which are due July 30) submitted through NIRS will only include surveys received/entered in NIRS by June 30, 2011. If you receive/enter surveys after that date, they WILL NOT appear in your FY2011 annual report.

Who to Survey - The trainees that you will be surveying this year for ADD reporting are those who COMPLETED your program in FY 2010, 2006, and/or 2001. As you know, we are in FY2011, so your "1 year" former trainees are those that completed your program in FY2010, even if that was only 6 months ago. Only these surveys count in reporting to ADD this year. Surveys of other former trainees, while useful to you, are NOT reported to ADD.


  • Standard Report: A standard report in the Trainee dataset called "Long Term Survey Info" will be very useful; an Admin level of access is required to view this report. Upon selecting the fiscal year (2011), the report will generate a table of trainees to be surveyed in the selected fiscal year (i.e., 1, 5, and 10 years post-training: 2010, 2006, 2001) with any contact information in NIRS and the unique login for each trainee.  The report is organized by "terminal" year (i.e., the last fiscal year for which a trainee record exists).  An "X" will display in the appropriate year column to indicate the surveys completed by the trainee.  

o   Note: When running the report, remember that the check boxes are filters (i.e., if you check both LEND and UCEDD, your search will return only those records that are marked as both UCEDD and LEND, not either UCEDD or LEND.).

  • Instructions and Paper Forms - Below are resources available on the NIRS Paper Forms page on our website: 

o   LEND/UCEDD Survey Instructions

o   FY2011 LEND/UCEDD Follow Up Survey

o   FY2011 UCEDD-only Follow Up Survey

  • Completing the surveys online: You need to provide your former trainees with their unique survey login (from the Long Term Survey Info report) and the link to the survey. The survey links are included below and you can also find more information about surveying former trainees in the User's Guide.


If you have any questions about surveying former trainnees, please contact Corina Miclea, 301-588-8252, x221.