Disability History Guide: From the National Consortium on Leadership and Disability for Youth

May 11, 2009

Website Link  http://www.ncld-youth.info/Downloads/disability_history_timeline.pdf

This disability history timeline is designed to help you learn about the rich history of people with disabilities. If you have a disability, this is about your history, but it may not be the history you know. Increasing your knowledge of disability history will help you inspire and lead others by telling the diverse stories of the many who have gone before. Starting shortly after the United States was founded, the disabilities timeline features examples of the remarkable diversity, creativity, and leadership that has shaped the disability community up through today.

Note: Although designed for youth and emerging leaders with disabilities, the Disability History Timeline and related activities can be used to educate a broader audience. For example, the materials may be useful for training service providers on the importance of educating youth with disabilities about their history or as an orientation for program staff before working with youth with disabilities.