AUCD Legislative News InBrief

November 3, 2008

Post Election Update

AUCD will host a plenary panel at the AUCD Annual Meeting on the Post Election Outcome and the road ahead on disability policy.  The panel on Wednesday, Nov. 12 features Nathan Gonzales, political editor of The Rothenberg Political Report.  Gonzales will discuss the new political map as a result of the elections.  Marty Ford, Chair of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities, will discuss the impact of the elections on the disability agenda. Finally, Julio Abreu, President of the Coalition on Health Funding, has been invited to discuss the budget and appropriations outlook for the coming year. 


AUCD Legislative Affairs Briefing

The AUCD Legislative Affairs Committee will meet at the AUCD Annual Meeting on Sunday, November 9.  Following the committee meeting there will be a Legislative Briefing from 6:00 -7:00 PM for all meeting participants.  AUCD Legislative Affairs staff will provide an overview of activities and accomplishments during the past year and look toward next year.  In preparation, AUCD Legislative Affairs Staff have prepared a November 2008 Legislative Affairs Report to the Board.    


Congressional Schedule

The Senate is scheduled to return for a "lame duck" session the week of November 17.  House Democratic leaders also appear to be moving towards returning to consider a second economic stimulus package in the range of $100 billion.  However, the outcome of the Presidential and congressional elections will be deciding factors.   


Medicaid Outpatient Rule

The Bush administration may try to push through a wave of new regulations during its waning days.  Some advocates are hearing that the Medicaid Outpatient rule may be on its way toward a final rule in coming weeks, which would be harmful to individuals with disabilities.  Last week at a House hearing on a possible second economic stimulus package, New York Governor Paterson testified about the impact of this rule.   New York conducted an impact analysis on the Rule and discovered that it could potentially lose up to $500 million in Medicaid funding to hospitals and clinics.  The NY University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities could lose $2.4 million.      


Presidential Transition

AUCD is participating in a workgroup of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities to develop policy recommendations for the incoming presidential transition team.  The recommendations cover a wide range of issues that impact people with disabilities and families, including fiscal policy, health care, employment, education, long term services, rights, and welfare and income supports.  The recommendations will be delivered immediately following the Nov. 4 elections.  They will also be used to educate the new Congress.  They will be posted on the CCD website soon:


Due to the AUCD Annual Meeting, the next edition of AUCD Legislative News In Brief will be on November 17.