Familia Hernandez Rivera/Hernandez Rivera Family

Vaccine Confidence Stories

March 22, 2022


“We decided to get vaccinated, because we believe that vaccines are effective, they have prevented people from dying or suffering from terrible diseases such as polio; preventing reaching a hospital is as simple as 3 doses, in the family we vaccinated as soon as possible and after more than two years of pandemic, we have remained free of covid.”
"Decidimos vacunarnos, porque consideramos que las vacunas son efectivas, han prevenido que las personas mueran o sufran de enfermedades terribles como la poliomielitis; prevenir llegar a un hospital es tan sencillo como 3 dosis, en la familia nos vacunamos en cuanto fue posible y después de más de dos años de pandemia, nos hemos mantenido libres de covid."
Do you have a vaccine story to share? Submit a brief video or written story here and join us in the effort to #SleeveUp