Nisonger LEND Leadership Project: Pilot ECHO with AMSEN School in Tanzania

April 28, 2021

This year, a team of LEND trainees and faculty developed an Extensions for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) pilot project with an AUCD Professional Fellow and other teachers from the Al Muntazir Special Needs School (AMSEN) in Tanzania.

According to the 2012 Tanzania Disability Monograph, only one major university in Tanzania produces teachers for students with ASD/DD. Schools in Tanzania face additional challenges, such as high student-to-teacher ratios and access to specific ASD/DD training. LEND trainees surveyed the AMSEN teachers to determine what learning was most needed and developed short didactic training modules on Behavioral Principles, Sensory Processing, Communication and Literacy, Trauma-Informed Care, and Transition from school to adult life. Modules were disseminated to AMSEN prior to our meetings (twice a month).

During online meetings, the AMSEN teachers asked questions about the didactic module and presented a student case study from the AMSEN school for knowledge sharing. LEND faculty and trainees learned about special education in underdeveloped African countries, developmental disability, and the kinds of services and supports available in Tanzania while also providing expert content to the teachers. We hope to continue the project next year.