TOPS Program at The Nisonger Center

September 7, 2020

Jason always tries to start the books off with something personal and friendly, Kathy said. At the beginning he told the campers, "I have cerebral palsy and use a communication device but it doesn't stop me from doing what I like to do."

When he isn't recording books, Jason has been writing articles for the LENN Foundation's newsletter. He is hoping to write a book someday. Jason is a junior in the TOPS program at The Ohio State University Nisonger Center. The TOPS Program offers individuals ages 18 and older with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) a unique opportunity to engage in academic coursework at Ohio State and gain meaningful work experiences while developing independent living skills and participating in campus and community organizations, social and volunteer activities, and other events.

To learn more about the TOPS program, visit our website at

To hear some of Jason's stories, go to