ICI Tools for Inclusion:Employment and Employment Supports: A Guide to Ensuring Informed Choice for Individuals with Disabilities

August 7, 2020

Website Link  https://www.communityinclusion.org/pdf/TO31_F.pdf

As individuals with disabilities consider their employment options, questions often arise: Does the person want to work in competitive integrated employment? What kind of a job do they want? What are their career interests? And who is really making the decision: Is it the individual, or others on their behalf?

As people with disabilities consider their options and future direction in terms of employment, it is important that they do so within a process that puts them in the driver's seat in terms of decision-making. This process must ensure they have the necessary information to make the choice they feel is the right one for them, embracing not just choice, but informed choice.

But what is "informed choice"? And how we do ensure that a choice is truly "informed" and fully reflective of the individual's preferences?

This publication answers these questions. In it, we provide a guide to decision-making regarding employment and related services and supports, through a process where individuals understand their options, and make choices and decisions that are fully reflective of their own interests and preferences.