What We Need - Steven Powe

June 3, 2020

My name is Steven Powe. I live in Washington, DC. I have a disability and am employed at a Safeway grocery store in Washington, DC. I'm also a member of Project ACTION! - an advocacy group in Washington, DC. I have my own apartment and car and feel like I'm not impacted too much. I do realize that I'm taking a big risk working in a grocery store because of the spread of the virus. However, I am very concerned that many people with disabilities don't understand the need for social distancing and the need to be very, very cautious when they go out or are around other people. As you prepare the 4th bill to address this pandemic, please consider ways to educate all people, especially people with disabilities about caring for themselves and staying safe from being infected from the COVID-19 virus maybe social stories. Thank you.