Announcing the Launch of the National Center on Disability in Public Health

November 19, 2018

The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is pleased to announce the new National Center on Disability in Public Health. The National Center uses evidence-based strategies to develop and increase the ability of public health professionals to include people who have disabilities. This new National Center builds capacity by encouraging collaboration between public health partners and AUCD's Network Centers in every state and territory. Key areas of health disparity serve as the focus areas for this National Center and include Nutrition and Healthy Weight, Developmental Monitoring and Screening, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Access to Healthcare, Wellness and Mental Health, and Emergency Preparedness.

One change that you will notice, to support this new Center, is that the Health and Disability Digest has been revamped and renamed to the Disability in Public Health NewsletterCheck out the National Center's website for more information.

Join the National Center on Disability in Public Health by serving as a Disability in Public Health Coach, Site, or Learner. Apply today!