Riley Child Development Center (IN LEND) Participates in Lectureship in Infant Mental Health

November 19, 2018

Faculty, staff and trainees from the Riley Child Development Center joined in hosting the annual Darlene Kardatzke Lectureship in Infant Mental Health, as a tribute to the professional endeavors of our dear friend and colleague Darlene Kardatzke, MD. The guest lecturer this year was Ayelet Talmi, PhD, a pediatric psychologist and associate professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

The topic of discussion for this event was Adverse Experiences and Environments: Implications for Fragile Infants and Their Families from the Hospital Through Their Transition Home. Dr. Talmi's presentations explored the role of pediatric health professionals in identifying and addressing adversity when caring for young children and their families. Ways of enhancing nurturing relationships and connecting families to community-based resources were described. Screening processes were discussed including the types of questions to ask and how to approach complex circumstances when needs are identified. Case examples were used to develop strategies for identifying and addressing complex issues that families face. For more information, contact Angela Tomlin, PhD.