10 Things Everyone Should Know About Autism

April 4, 2018

Website Link  https://health.usnews.com/health-care/for-better/articles/2018-04-02/10-things-everyone-should-know-about-autism?src=usn_fb

You cannot generalize your experiences with that one child to all children with autism. (iStockPhoto)
You cannot generalize your experiences with that one child to all children with autism. (iStockPhoto)

Check out this AUCD member authored article to kick off #autismAwareness #autismAcceptance month! The article's author, Lisa Shulman, M.D., is a Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician and Director of Autism Clinical Services at the Rose F. Kennedy Children's Evaluation & Rehabilitation Center, RFK, LEND/UCEDD at Montefiore Health System and Professor of Pediatrics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She is also the AUCD/CDC Act Early Ambassador for the state of New York, where she works to raise awareness about the importance of early identification of autism and other developmental disabilities so that children can benefit from early intervention services and achieve a best outcome.