New Grant: Parent-Directed Comprehensive Language and Literacy Supports (L2): Providing Universally Designed Community-Based Literacy Experiences for Children with Autism (TX UCEDD)

December 7, 2017

The purpose of this project is to establish sustainable, parent-directed, comprehensive community supports for literacy and language (L2) of children with ASD, prioritizing those with limited spoken language. The strain on parents of children with ASD are already great without adding the burden of continuously creating novel literacy experiences for their children.

The parent-directed training will also equip the community to be able to meet literacy needs so that parents and their children can go into the community and access universally designed literacy experiences. This will be done by providing comprehensive L2 training to parents, librarians, speech language-pathologist, teachers, and other child-centered community partners.

The focus will be on improving the home, community, and school literacy environment for individuals with ASD with the greatest support needs through evidence-based literacy instruction, functional communication training, and augmentative and alternative communication training. Dr. Julie Thompson: Principal Investigator [email protected]