Resources for Zika and Developmental Monitoring Available in Public Health is for Everyone

December 22, 2016

There is an urgent need to educate public health practitioners on developmental monitoring, screening, and early identification of the health complications for infants and children affected by Zika. Babies affected by Zika may experience a spectrum of needs from the most severe cases of microcephaly, to vision problems, hearing loss, seizures, intellectual disabilities, reduced speech and language abilities, and other long-term developmental disabilities. Even though babies affected by Zika may look typical at birth, subtle changes that turn into serious health problems could occur as they become older.

Ongoing developmental monitoring and screenings are necessary to be able to detect these changes. Sensitive language that supports these children and their families is essential. To address this urgent need, AUCD has added a Zika section to Public Health is for Everyone with resources on supporting families and infants affected by Zika, developmental monitoring, and how to speak sensitively with families about their concerns.