AUCD Statement on New ESEA Language

November 30, 2015

The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is pleased the House-Senate conference committee on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) has agreed upon final legislative language to replace No Child Left Behind (NCLB). One of the great advances of NCLB was that students with disabilities were included in building, district, and state accountability systems. The newly proposed Every Student Succeeds Act continues to include students with disabilities in state accountability systems and ensures students with disabilities will continue to have access to the general curriculum. We urge Congress to continue its work on reauthorization and ensure the equitable education of all students, including those with disabilities.

The final bill is being released after legislative proposals passed separately by the House and Senate in July and embodies the reforms agreed to by members serving on a joint conference committee earlier this month. The House-Senate conference committee approved the proposed reforms reflected in the final bill by a vote of 38 to 1.