Phenotypic and Functional Studies on FOXO3 Human Longevity Variants to Inform Potential Therapeutic Target Identification Research (R01)

Standard Dates Apply

Award Ceiling: TBD

Deadline: Standard dates apply, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization

The focus of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is on in vivo human studies, and in vitro studies on human cells or tissues, aimed at potential identification of therapeutic targets or and/or testing of interventions for healthy aging. Potential therapeutic targets include FOXO3 itself and upstream and downstream regulators in pathways mediated by FOXO3. The range of research areas of interest in this FOA includes studies that: 1) examine in vivo phenotypic effects of human FOXO3 variants, and/or 2) elucidate effects of these variants on cellular functions and the pathways that mediate them, and/or 3) identify and evaluate candidate therapeutic targets (e.g., target validation studies, testing of candidate compounds) for potential interventions based on FOXO3 functional pathways.

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