Environmental Scan: State Strategies and Initiatives to Improve Developmental and Autism Screening and Early Identification Systems

December 13, 2014


pdf File Environmental Scan Document (952KB) [download]

This report includes initial findings from an environmental scan of source documents in an effort to capture the range of developmental screening activities occurring within all U.S. states and territories. A companion fact sheet on state performance measures related to developmental screening and early identification is also available. [Funded by the U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Produced by the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP).
Report available at:

Fact sheet available at

Readers: Over the coming year, the data will be further analyzed to develop resources to assist states, particularly Title V programs, in building and improving developmental screening and early identification systems. The tools and resources will be available in AMCHP's State Public Health Autism Resource Center at http://www.amchp.org/programsandtopics/CYSHCN/projects/SPHARC/Pages/default.aspx