International Forum 2008: Securing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Monday, April 14, 2008- Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii

DATES HAVE CHANGED: see the website for new information  

The Center on Disability Studies is pleased to host The Pacific Rim Conference, International Forum 2008. As a conference prelude event, the one-and-a-half day forum will be infusedwith new strategic thinking for the realization of those rights as encoded in the UN Convention. The unprecedented global support for the convention and the dynamic momentum generated in its wake, make this an opportune time to convene a discussion of these important issues and questions:

  • What are implications of the Convention to persons with disabilities in countries of the Asian Pacific Region?
  • What are regional concerns surrounding implementation of the CRPD?
  • What are special issues confounding "developing countries" as they seek to implement the Convention?
  • How can applying the guiding principles of the Convention affect positive real change for persons with disabilities?

Select speakers including experts with regional and UN experience, advocates and community leaders will present and participate in panels and lead discussions around the posed questions. The forum will also provide a space for dialogue and informal conversations. We invite you to host a dialogue session and to share your insights and expertise.

The forum will be participant driven and focuses around issues and needs of the attendees. Those interested in speaking and or participating at the Forum, please contact Dr. Robert A. Stodden. For more information and to register for the Forum, visit the PacRim 2008 Conference webpage or email [email protected]. A nominal registration fee of $100 will be charged to cover meals and formalities of the event.