Making Lifelong Connections 2011: Leadership, Networking and Career Development for MCHB Trainees


doc File Trainee Invitation (44KB) [download]

pdf File Event Flyer (766KB) [download]

Friday, April 15, 2011
Location: Orlando, Florida

Website Link

"Making Lifelong Connections: Leadership, Networking and Career Development for MCHB Trainees" is a daylong meeting which will be held at the Disney Coronado Springs Hotel Orlando, Florida on April 15, 2011. Gwendolyn Adams, MCHB Training Branch Chief, will present the Keynote Address.  Additional sessions will be provided by MCHB faculty, current trainees and former trainees. 


The University of Florida PPC will pay for food and two days' lodging and the trainees or their home center are responsible for transportation and any other expenses.


The objectives of this meeting are to enhance leadership skills, provide networking opportunities, assist with career development and help sustain connections in MCH.  See the two documents at right for an invite letter and additional promotional information.


Registration can be found here.


Mary H. Wagner, MD; Director and Medical Faculty; [email protected]

Susan C. Horky, LCSW; Co-Director and Social Work Faculty; [email protected]

University of Florida Pediatric Pulmonary Center Training Program

(352) 283-8380