
August 15, 2006 • Volume 6, Number 64


Forging New Partnerships for New Challenges Through Research, Education and Service

October 29-November 1, 2006



AUCD Board Welcomes New Council.  On January 9, 2006 at their Winter Board Meeting, the Board of Directors of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities passed a motion to form a Council on Research and Evaluation (CORE).  Subsequently a request went out to the network to vote on accepting this recommendation and vote for by-laws change which would allow the Council to be created.

The votes have been tabulated and I am pleased to announce that the network has voted unanimously (75-0) in favor of creating a CORE. This has taken over a year of work by a number of people working with the board, getting input from the network, and developing appropriate language for our by laws. I would like to thank the Research Committee for its work in spear heading this effort and I especially want to thank Steve Koch, Council Chair and Training Director at the Riley Child Development Center LEND in Indiana for all the time, effort, and thought he has put into this effort. I also want to thank all of the network directors for taking the time to vote on this important by-laws change to establish this council. I am sure that it will enrich the network of centers and further our Association's mission.

The CORE will constitute itself at the upcoming Annual Meeting, October 29-November 1 in Washington, DC. A chair will be elected and the CORE will be represented on AUCD's Board of Directors. We will also create a web page on the Association's website in the near future which will contain information about the CORE and describe how you can participate in the Council and its work.

Below is a description of the CORE's mission and purpose. I know we all look forward to the work of this new Council and its contribution to our work.  As always, please feel free to send me your comments and suggestions.

Best regards,

Lu Zeph, EdD, AUCD Board President, [email protected]

Mission Statement

Research and evaluation involve methodologies which can assure the systemic change, advocacy, and capacity building for individuals with disabilities. In many ways, the AUCD network is the partner that can bring data to decisions which are made about programs and policies. The mission of the Council on Research and Evaluation is to encourage quality research and evaluation, promote collaborative studies across the AUCD network, advocate for broad acceptance of the many research and evaluation methodologies utilized across both the disciplines and the network Centers, support enhanced training to perform quality research and evaluation activities, advance the involvement of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of research, and to recognize quality research and evaluation across the AUCD network.


The Council shall: serve as a focus for the identification and discussion of issues regarding research and evaluation; serve as a representative voice of the research and evaluation activities within the Association's network; and influence the development and implementation of initiatives relevant to achieving and sustaining appropriate research and evaluation activities to guide the development of national policies.

The Council fulfills its mission and purpose for AUCD and its constituent membership by serving as a conduit for technical assistance, providing input into policy, and engaging in other support activities deemed necessary to advance the mandate for research and evaluation.