Effective Communication for Interdisciplinary Teaming

After everyone shares, the trainees discuss the concept related to interdisciplinary teaming. Assignment: Write two statements: 1) discipline-specific information written in language that others on the interdisciplinary team might not understand; and 2) the same discipline-specific information written in language that everyone on the interdisciplinary team should understand.

Follow-up discussion is necessary to solidify the concept and to help he trainees develop strategies that they can carry forward into practice.

Resource Topic(s): Interdisciplinary Training, Resources for LEND/DBP Trainees
Resource Target
LEND/DBP Faculty or Staff, LEND/DBP Leadership, LEND/DBP Trainees
Resource Format(s): Curriculum/Educational Material
Resource Published: 10/29/2019

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Contact Information:

The University of Ohio Health Science Center

Megan Peters
[email protected]


1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1000, Silver Spring, MD 20910


[email protected]

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