
The University of Alaska in Anchorage-Center for Human Development LEND program started its second semester with didactics on Policy and Advocacy. This is in preparation for the 2022 Key Campaign and Legislative Priorities to be held in Juneau. We tracked down the movement of legislation of interest to the Alaska Mental Health Trust and partner advisory boards.

Our LEND program is also facilitating FAMILY ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) series. The Family ECHO is a virtual learning network for family members and those supporting individuals with disabilities who also need higher support and care levels. Learn from field experts including other family members, social workers, behavior analysts, and parent navigators. ECHO clinics include didactic and case-based learning where you can discuss complex situations for real-time advice from experts.

When is this ECHO?
2nd & 4th Wednesday each month, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm AKST

To join register for FAMILY ECHO: LINK Below:

Submit a case presentation.

How will the Family ECHO help me? Regular, convenient access to field experts will help participants increase knowledge about:

  • Evidence-based practices for screening, diagnosis and treatment
  • Common systems navigation and support concerns to address