Robina Ingram-Rich, BSN, MS, MPH

Oregon Health & Science University UCEDD
Institute on Development & Disability
Oregon Health & Science University
707 SW Gaines St.
Portland, OR 97239
Phone: 503-494-2715
Email: [email protected]
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Last Updated: January 24, 2018


Discipline Coordinators: Nursing
AUCD Council Membership: No Council Membership
Research: PI: CDC Cooperative Agreement U27/CCU013112 "Prevention of the Complications of Hemophilia through Hemophilia Treatment Centers" FY 1997 - FY 2011; Leader-member Joint Outcome Working Group, CDC -Universal Data Collection project 2007-present.
Education: Certificate in Bioethics, Department of Philosophy, Portland State University, Oregon [2008]; MPH - Maternal Child Health, UC Berkeley; MS - Genetic Counseling, UC Berkeley; BSN- UC San Francisco
Service: President, Oregon Public Health Association [2015-2016], American Association of University Women, Lake Oswego Branch public policy chair [2013-present], Member, Advisory board Pacific Sickle Cell Regional Collaborative [2015- ]; Camp director [volunteer] regional junior church camp, grades 3-5 ]2014-2016]; Magnet Champion, Oregon Health & Science University Nursing