Genetic Susceptibility & Variability of Human Structural Birth Defects (R01)

Deadline: January 8, 2017

Award Ceiling: TBD

The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support innovative investigator-initiated R01 applications using animal models in conjunction with translational/clinical approaches that take advantage of advances in genetics, biochemistry, molecular, and developmental biology to identify the specific genetic, epigenetic, environmental, or gene/environment interactions associated with the susceptibility to and variability of structural birth defects in human populations. Applicants funded through this FOA will join the NICHD Birth Defects Working Group and participate in annual meetings designed to provide a forum to discuss research progress, exchange ideas, share resources, and foster collaborations relevant to the goals of the NIHCD's Birth Defects Initiative.


Last Edited: 01/07/14 03:36 PM by Corina Miclea