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MCH Block Grant
see: Title V Block Grant.

Maternal Child Health Bureau. MCHB is a bureau of HRSA, DHHS. The original Children's Bureau was established in 1912. In 1935, the U.S. Congress enacted Title V of the Social Security Act, which authorized the Maternal and Child Health Services programs and provided a foundation and structure for assuring the health of American mothers and children. MCHB envisions a future America in which the right to grow to one's full potential is universally assured through attention to the comprehensive physical, psychological and social needs of the maternal and child health population. MCHB strives for a society where children are wanted and born with optimal health, receive quality care and are nurtured lovingly and sensitively as they mature into healthy, productive adults, and seeks a nation where there is equal access for all to quality health care in a supportive, culturally competent, family and community setting. http://mchb.hrsa.gov/.