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AUCD MCC Council Presentation 2017

The Multicultural Council (MCC) advocates for training, direct service, outreach, technical assistance, clinical services, research, and dissemination to be provided in a culturally competent manner and secure the meaningful participation of individuals from diverse racial and ethnic and linguistically diverse backgrounds at all levels of the Association's membership.

pdf File AUCD MCC Council Presentation 2017 [download]


PKU: A Life Course Development Perspective and Obesity and Child Health


pptx File Examples of Life Course Development.pptx(174KB) [download]



The Life Course Model as an Organizational Framework


pptx File Life Course Model as an Organizational Framework.pptx(1,288KB) [download]

Life Course (vs. Life Cycle and Life Span) Risk and Protective Factors Pathways and Trajectories Early Programming Cumulative Impact Critical or Sensitive Periods


The Social Determinants of Health


pptx File The Social Determinants of Health.pptx(752KB) [download]

The social determinants of health are those factors which are outside of the individual; they are beyond genetic endowment and beyond individual behaviors. They are the context in which individual behaviors arise and in which individual behaviors convey risk. The social determinants of health include individual resources, neighborhood (place-based) or community (group-based) resources, hazards and toxic exposures, and opportunity structures.


COLA Newsletter, September 2008



COLA Newsletter, February 2008



2007 Diversity Survey Results: AUCD Network



2004 Diversity Survey Results: AUCD Network

This survey provided a snapshot of specific aspects of diversity among the AUCD network.

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