Building a National Agenda for Supporting Families with an Individual with Developmental or Intellectual Disabilities

April 24, 2012


pdf File Building a National Agenda for Supporting Families with an Individual with Developmental or Intellectual Disabilities (3,432KB) [download]

This report emerged from group of diverse national and state disability leaders who met at the Wingspread Conference Center in Racine, Wisconsin, in January 2011. The conference goal was to develop public policies and other strategies at the state and federal level for building an infrastructure for supporting families of people with developmental and other disabilities. 

The report includes as summary of the proceedings as well as concrete recommendations to address the wide range of needs of families.  The authors encourage the use of this report to further discussions and action planning, energize grassroots participation, and to encourage collaboration around specific action steps at the local, state and national levels needed to support families. 

The Wingspread conference and report was sponsored, in part, by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.  For more background information and to get involved in the movement visit the National Agenda for Supporting Families website.  The authors also encourage reflections and thoughts by posting them here or emailing Sheli Reynolds or Liz Hecht.