Keeping All Students Safe Act (S. 2020)

Text of the Senate Bill

December 16, 2011


pdf File Text of S.2020 (58KB) [download]

The bill creates federal minimum standards for the use of restraint and seclusion in schools.

  • Prohibits seclusion, mechanical and chemical restraint, physical restraint that restricts breathing or is contraindicated by the student's disability or health condition, and aversive interventions that compromise health or safety. 
  • Requires that school personnel who implement physical restraint in emergencies be trained and certified, monitor the student face-to-face
  • Prohibits the use of physical restraint as a planned intervention in a student's education plan, including Individualized Education Programs as defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  • Requires parental notification after physical restraint is imposed, and calls for a debriefing session with the family and school personnel to identify strategies to prevent the need for the use of restraint, including conducting a functional behavioral assessment. 
  • Authorizes grants to states to carry out the minimum standards and imporve school climate through the use of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports