NCEDC Minutes

Full Council Meeting

November 9, 2003

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Bethesda, Maryland
2:00-4:00 p.m.

Members Present

Diane Lenz Arizona
Joe Evans Nebraska
Cindi Rowland Utah
Bill Gaventa New Jersey
Jean Johnson Hawaii
Charles Davis Oregon
Ron Harrison (for Beth Roos) Kentucky
Debbie Gilmer Maine
Shelley Dumas Texas
Susan Vig Bronx, New York
Linda Tuchman Wisconsin
David Helm Massachusetts
Mary Mercer North Dakota
Elizabeth DeBrine Illinois
Keith Miller Wyoming
David Deere Arkansas
Tera Yoder Virginia
Kathleen Olson Kansas
Vyonda Martin Oklahoma
Trista Sims AUCD
Elizabeth Janks Michigan
Chigee Cloninger Vermont
Katie Ford Georgia
Michelle Doty Idaho
Paula Lalinde Florida
Cary Kreutzer California (USC)

I. Call to Order and Introductions
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 pm by Diane Lenz, NCEDC Chair. Diane asked participants to introduce themselves and share information concerning sessions/posters (see NCEDC Member Presentations, listed in Table 1 below) they will present over the next few days and their area of interest. Notes were recorded on newsprint and are available upon request or see the listing of presentations/posters in the AUCD Annual Meeting Program.

II. Awards/Acknowledgements
Diane Lenz asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of our good friend and mentor Yvonne Fryberger who recently passed away. Yvonne, as a past NCEDC Chair, brought enthusiasm and direction to our Council, she will be missed. Diane presented a small award to Joeseph Evans for his 9 year commitment to NCEDC, currently as an At-large Member of the Steering Committee and other positions in the Council he has held.

III. Opening Remarks, Council Member Update, Council Membership
2:40 pm Diane Lenz outlines the plan for the rest of the NCEDC Meeting beginning with an overview of the Council, our mission and vision. The Council exists through the By-Laws of the AUCD Board of Directors and the NCEDC Council Chair serves on the AUCD Board, term of office is 3 years. The NCEDC roster was distributed and members/ UCEDD representatives were asked to correct the membership roster for themselves and/or their organization.

IV. Approval of November 2002 Minutes
Bill Gaventa moved to approve the minutes and Jean Johnson seconded the motion. The Council approved the November 2002 minutes.

V. AUCD Board Update
Diane reported the following highlights from the Board.

  1. This past year has seen a strong Association (AUCD) with many accomplishments and a strong Board behind the organization. The Board conducted strategic planning and has several new initiatives. Diane reported that her mission in the next 2 years as a member of the Board is to strengthen the initiatives through NCEDC involvement.
  2. AUCD Central office has moved.
  3. AUCD has taken on more work in grant-writing.
  4. Board is developing a brochure with interchangeable inserts that can provide data on the UCEDDs or initiatives and they hope to include personal stories.
  5. The Interdisciplinary Council is re-organizing, they feel they need to change the focus in what then Council can offer. The new name is the Council on Interdisciplinary Services and will look more closely at best practices in direct services.
  6. The Board is conducting a diversity survey.

VI. Committee Reports
Technical Assistance and Dissemination Committees
Linda Tuchman reported that the joint committees held 3 telephone conference calls over the past year. Conference calls were very well attended. The participants spent time sharing information and resources and worked toward preparing for additional information posted to the WEB Page as well as presenting Tips of the Month on the NCEDC Listserve. Six Tips of the Month were sent out this past year. The group would like to see the Tips get posted to the NCEDC Web page when the pages are up and running. The NCEDC list serve continues to be a place where members can ask questions. Over the year many responses were posted to listserve.

Pre-conference Training Symposium
Debbie Gilmer reported that historically Councils have had a whole day to conduct professional development. The training has always been put together cross-Council. The process wasn't as smooth this year. The pre-conference training wasn't prior to the beginning of the conference, and skill-building sessions that did not require an additional registration fee, were offered the morning prior to the pre-conference training symposium. The topic of the presentation this year "Marketing" was well attended with registrations closed as the capacity seating of 120 participants was reached. The NCEDC had a strong role in planning conducting the training as the ADD PNS Grant funded to the USC UCEDD (Cary Kretuzer) recruited the speakers and identified training topics in collaboration with Debbie Gilmer. Over 400 people registered for the AUCD Meeting this year.

NCEDC Annual Report
Diane distributed an update of the NCEDC rules. Only a few changes added including an objective that the Council will work with the AUCD Board. Any changes to the rules require a 30 days window for their review. Members were encouraged to submit edits to Diane or Cary. If we don't hear from members we assume a positive vote of approval for the rules.

Steering Committee
Diane stated that she would like to capture participation from council members. The Committee meets 3 times/year via conference call. Diane welcomed all Council member to participate in any of the scheduled conference calls and minutes will alway be sent out to the membership following meetings to keep the member informed of activities.

Nominating/Awards Committee
This committee needs a Chairperson and members. Please let Diane Lenz know if you are interested in joining the committee. The committee chair is responsible for facilitating the committee meeting (conference calls) at least 2 meetings per year, summarize the meeting activities and recommendations and presenting recommendations to the Steering Committee.

VII. NCEDC Liaisons to other AUCD Councils
David Helm reported that the Training Council has divided into four sub-groups including: Student Liaison, Student Recruitment/Retention, Health Disparities and Building Curriculum for pre-service programs. They also are working on their AUCD WEB PAGE and working with NIRS to generate standard reports that could be made available when needed.

Shelly Dumas reported from the Council on Consumer Affairs scheduled for later tonight. Elizabeth Janks is also a member of the Council. There is a small group that has been involved in most of the Council activities. They need new membership. The Council is run by two co-chairs, one is a parent and the other a consumer. Norb Ryan, Council Co-chair is rotating off. The Council is also interested in growing areas of expertise that can be a resource to other councils and the network - and hope to put more resources and information on the AUCD WEB site. Bill Gaventa said that serving as a Liaisons to other Councils is hard to do when meetings are scheduled together.

Cary requested that Liaisons to other Councils and those attending other committee and focus meetings write a short summary of the meeting and recommended actions that the NCEDC Council might want to follow-up. Notes were received this year from Tera Yoder, Medicaid Workgroup Meeting, convened by Jan Nisbet and Mark Swanson (see attached, Table 5).

VIII. Old Business
MTARS Review
Shelly Dumas and Joe Evans reported that Texas and Nebraska have participated in a MTAR (Monitoring, Technical Assistance and Review) site review. The MTAR is a new system for accountability and participation between state UCEDD, SCDD and P& A. In Texas, the team from ADD and peer reviewers spent 3 days in meetings and review. There was a strong emphasis on how well the programs collaborated. The review didn't feel like monitoring. They received some TA but mostly recommendations. Joe reported that in Nebraska ADD had sent a list of questions ahead of time for which they were able to prepare answers to present at the review. Joe reported that Nebraska UCEDD was evaluated much differently from TX. The reviewers went to P & A, SCDD and UCEDD each one day. Both suggested for other UCEDDs that you have contacts with the other organizations and are able to show how you work together. It was reported that Pat Morrissey sees the 3 agencies working together as one package. The reviewers want stories --- what has happened in the state under the 3 programs and how these programs impacted the families /persons with disabilities in the state.

NCEDC Member Needs Assessment
Diane Lenz, Cary Kreutzer and Jenny Overeynder put together a survey to identify NCEDC member needs prior to the annual meeting so that we could focus on addressing needs in our short 2 hour meeting vs. defining needs. Debbie Gilmer collected the completed surveys and summarized the results by question (see summary below and full report attached to minutes, Table 2).

  1. Designated community education directors. Fourteen surveys returned, 13 of the respondents are the community education director in their UCEDD, while one respondent was representing their UCEDD but was not the community education director.
  2. Primary job responsibilities, in order of occurrence: 9 were responsible for outreach education and training, 8 provided Center-wide coordination of and collaboration of community education and community services projects, 6 were responsible for Product and information development and dissemination, 5 provided technical assistance to UCEDD staff re: community education and dissemination strategies, 5 were responsible for grant/proposal writing, 4 were members of the UCEDD management team and 1 reported that individual UCEDD staff/faculty are responsible for their own community education efforts.
  3. Percent of time funded. Range was 0-76% and average was 31 %. Most in 20-25% range.
  4. Does your UCEDD have a Dissemination Director or Coordinator? Six said their UCEDD has a dissemination coordinator separate from the community education director, 3 said the community education director is also the dissemination coordinator, 5 said their UCEDD does not have a dissemination coordinator/director.
  5. How are community education activities carried-out at the UCEDD? Three areas identified. Six said that community education is integrated into project but overall community education director is the coordinator, 5 said community education and dissemination are separate functions, 3 said community education /dissemination is sometimes integrated.
  6. Other thoughts included: NCEDC should recruit dissemination coordinators to participate in the NCEDC council. Community education directors have lots of responsibility within their UCEDD with little or no authority. Not much consistency across centers in job descriptions of the community education directors.
  7. Important areas of interest in the surveys: directors want sharing of info on curricula, innovative programs, and evaluation methods; collaborative work on RFPs for national conferences; strategic planning for community education.

IX. New Business
Committee and Work Group Meetings
Diane invited participants to define topic area of interest for breaking into smaller groups for discussion. The first list contained 17 possible topics (see list of 17 topics and total number of member voting for interest in the topic area in the attached Table 3). Each member voted once for a possible topic of interest and the topics were then narrowed to the following 5 focus areas.

Final Discussion Groups

  • Community Education/Dissemination
  • Consumer involvement
  • Regional collaboration work
  • New Directors
  • Monitoring and Accountability
  • Curriculum sharing

Each of the groups had a person designated for taking notes. Notes are summarized and provided below in Table 4. Reporters were asked to write down what the group talked about and if they felt this group should form an ongoing committee.

Meeting was adjourned shortly after 4:00 pm.



Presentations that NCEDC Members will be giving at AUCD Annual Meeting

  • * Improving Communities of Practice... working with BIA Schools
  • Pre-Conference Training Symposium Marketing and presentation of NCEDC Marketing Needs Assessment Results
  • Making health communication work
  • Engaging youth
  • Disability Studies
  • Personal Assistance Service Corps
  • Everyone Can Serve
  • One Stops-Enhancing Empowerment
  • Strengthening Connections-Family Mentoring
  • Meaningful Involvement in Boards
  • Preventing Abuse and Neglect
  • Health Disparities
  • Catch the Wave-Technology
  • Whole school reform
  • Youth with disabilities
  • Crime and people with disabilities
  • National service inclusion
  • Building community capacity in minority communities
  • NIRS
  • Technology Access
  • Self determination
  • Faith-based connections - clinical pastoral education
  • Post secondary education involvement (Video)
  • Reasonable accommodations
  • Maltreatment and disabilities


NCEDC Survey In Preparation for Annual Meeting

Background Information

  • Are you the designated Community Education Director/Coordinator in your UCEDD? If not, please provide updated contact information.
    • Yes, I am Community Ed Director: 13 (93%)
    • No, But I am the Assigned Representative to the NCEDC: 1 (7%)
  • What are the primary job responsibilities of the Community Education Director at your UCEDD?
    Most respondents identified multiple responsibilities (I did my best to identify distinctive responsibilities but there may be overlap).
    • Outreach education and training: 9
    • Center wide coordination of and collaboration of community education and community services projects: 8
    • Product and information development and dissemination: 6
    • Technical assistance to UCEDD staff re: community education and dissemination strategies: 5
    • Grant/proposal writing: 5
    • UCEDD management team member: 4
    • Conference planning/coordination: 3
    • PI/PD: 3
    • Center wide newsletters, annual reports and UCEDD publications: 3
    • Web development and maintenance: 3
    • Community needs assessment: 2
    • NIRS/Data coordinator: 2
    • No Community Education Director-staff are responsible for their own projects: 1
  • What percent time (if any) is the Community Education Director's position funded by your UCEDD core grant from the Administration on Developmental Disabilities?
    • Range: 0 - 76% of the Community Education Director/Coordinator is currently funded by the ADD core grant
    • Average: 31% of the Community Education Director/Coordinator is funded by the core
  • Does your UCEDD have a Dissemination Director/Coordinator?
    • Yes, the UCEDD has a Dissemination Director/Coordinator DISTINCT from the Community Ed Director: 6 (43%)
    • Yes, the UCEDD has a Dissemination Director/Coordinator-and this is the same person who is the Community Ed Director/Coordinator: 3 (21%)
    • No, the UCEDD does not have a designated Dissemination Director/Coordinator: 5 (36%)
  • How are community education and dissemination activities carried out at your UCEDD? (For example, are they separate functions or integrated through specific projects....?)
    • Community Education and Dissemination are INTEGRATED within projects and overall responsibility of the Community Education Director/Coordinator (and MAY include center wide initiatives such as web and newsletter): 6 (43%)
    • Community Education and Dissemination are SEPARATE functions: 5 (36%)
    • Community Education and Dissemination are SOMETIMES integrated: 3 (21%)
    • Many commented that regardless of level of integration, centralized publications, media and web was the responsibility of a centralized function at the UCEDD.
  • Other thoughts...
    • I'm wondering if the Council should consider recruiting participation from Center Dissemination Coordinators on the Council and on a Dissemination committee. It means some Centers may have 2 reps, but that's ok. We would just allow each Center to have one vote on voting issues. Could be a network pre-requisite for the request to form another Council if needed.
    • I have lots of responsibilities without much authority, interesting administrative structure...
    • Systems change efforts and technical assistance comprise a large percentage of the types of activities

Focus Areas for the Council
From the following lists please circle (or otherwise indicate) activities that are provided by your UCEDD Community Education Director or through your UCEDDs community education projects. Then check (or otherwise indicate) those activities that you believe the NCEDC should be addressing. The lists are roughly organized by topic.

  • Ideas based on the NCEDC 2003 activities and discussions
    • Continue to develop and share the Tip of the Month on the listserve
    • NCEDC has had a subcommittee on Information Dissemination. I think that the AUCD network should consider forming a separate Council on Dissemination.
      NCEDC help Prov. by UCEDD
      5 5
      4 3
    • I think based on the responses from the previous page unless there is a significant # of folks only doing dissemination separate from CED position that it warrants a separate category. So much of what I do overlaps. (In response to NCEDC has had...)
  • New ideas
    • Develop content and training strategy/format sharing groups that have ongoing communication through the year.
    • Share formal/informal strategies for communication among state level training entities.
      NCEDC help Prov. by UCEDD
      4 5
      1 3
    • Not sure what this means (In response to Share formal/informal...)
    • These are also good ideas. Who'd do it?
  • Possible areas of interest based on the kinds of activities the Community Education Directors/Coordinators are responsible for at their Centers (Survey items C, D, E, F). Please choose up to 3 topics in each box.
    NCEDC help Prov. by UCEDD
    • Community Training/Education Needs Assessment 2 3
    • Consumer /target audience focus groups 2 6
    • Curriculum Design 1 5
    • Workshops, Conferences 5
    • Co-Sponsorship of Conferences 2 3
    • Educating policymakers and legislators about disability issues 2 3
    • Teleconferences 1 5
    • Web-Based Training 1 4
    • Telehealth/Telemedicine Training 2
    • Oversee CME/CEU Credits 2 3
    • Accessing University Resources for Community Education 2
    • Technical Assistance to Community on Training 1 3
    • UCEDD Annual Report
    • Develop a Strategic Plan for Community Education for Organization
      NCEDC help Prov. by UCEDD
    • No interest
    • I have developed a strategic plan for community education organization for my UCEDD already.
    • Publication development (Summarizing research) 1 3
    • Community Newsletter 1 4
    • Web Page Development 2 1
    • Web Page Content 2 4
    • Community List Serves 5
    • Not sure I'd vote for these either. We do it at the local level.

    • Information Dissemination 3 6
    • Marketing/Communications 4 4
    • Public Relations 1 1
    • Branding (logo/identity) 1 2
    • Product Sales/Distribution 1 4
    • Advertising - radio, print, internet, TV 2
    • Products Database 1 3
    • Mailing labels Database 3
    • Contracts with Publishing Companies
    • Contracts with Video Distributors
    • I think the council can provide TA to those UCEDDs that might want to explore

The following is a list of activities developed by the AUCD Board, following its 2003 strategic action planning process. Please check (or otherwise indicate) those activities that you believe the NCEDC should be involved in.

  • # Checked
    • Sharing information on training curriculum and evaluation methods 8
    • Sharing information on innovative programs, collaborations among UCEDDs 6
    • Responding to RFPs to coordinate national conferences 6
    • Collaborate with other Councils and the AUCD Central Office in developing a powerpoint presentation on the history and evolution of the AUCD network for use across the network in training. 6
    • Strategies to improve diversity in all areas of the network-for us in Community Education activities 5
    • Contribute to development and maintenance of our NCEDC website as means of connecting the Centers 5
    • Collaborating with the AUCD Council on Consumer Affairs in developing consumer/family leadership for the AUCD network 5
    • Collaborate with the AUCD Legislative Affairs Committee in delivery of Legislative Advocacy workshops throughout the network 4
    • 2005 Disability Summit planning - contribute to the work of a national group of disability organizations in holding this summit 4
    • Collaborating with the AUCD Central Office in developing threaded discussion capacity on the AUCD website 4

Summarized by
Debbie Gilmer, M.Ed., University of Maine, Center for Community Inclusion
November 2003

NCEDC Suggested Topic Areas for Discussion Groups

(Number is parentheses is the number of members voting for the specific topic area)

  • Disseminating information about who and what-NCEDC (1) (e.g. survey findings)
  • Community Education/Dissemination (4)
  • Evaluation methods, curriculum (4) (e.g. sharing information across the network.)
  • Regional collaboration - networking, training and grant writing (e.g. CDC grant for collaboration training) (3)
  • Educating policy makers (1)
  • Working with schools regarding: high stakes testing/training
  • Increased involvement /employment of families and individuals with disabilities
  • Monitoring and Accountability (1) (UCEDD, PTA, and DD Councils)
  • Diversity
  • NCEDC Web/AUCD (1)
  • Cross council work
  • New member support/involvement
  • Survey group/Topical teleconferencing
  • Marketing and Dissemination
  • Tip of the month
  • Product and information development
  • What about our jobs? What do we do?




Discussion Group Summaries

Community Education/Dissemination
Katie Ford and Joseph Evans

  • Americorps- How to structure National Service Inclusion Programs to fit with UCEDDs.
  • What happens for people with disabilities after they serve?
  • Supporting each other through the National Service Maze.

Consumer Involvement
Bill Gaventa, Tera Yoder, Chigee Cloninger, Charles Davis, Vyonda Martin

Topics of Discussion

  • Ways to involve persons with disabilities and families in the work of the UCEDD.
  • Employing persons with disabilities and families in the UCEDD.
  • People with disabilities need to be in leadership positions. Issues:
    • Transportation
    • Job support vs. personal support
  • Support for Advisory Councils:
    • Appropriate materials
    • Consideration for persons who have cognitive disabilities
    • Transportation and costs
    • Teleconferences don't work well
    • Keeping people informed about the issues
  • Employment of persons with disabilities and families
    • All jobs- not just Clerk positions
    • What accommodations-cost of
    • Know what the ADA says
  • Regional Collaboration Work

Collaborative Grant Writing and Training Projects
David Helm, Cary Kreutzer, Michelle Doty, Kathy Olson and Linda Tuchman

  • Explored different models at national and local level.
  • Having members evaluate and share info with Council on:
    • CDC, MCHB, ADD, and OSEP
  • How to foster collaboration- rather than competition-to build on expertise of the network.
  • Help establish the concept of a collaborative network with common interests and missions. ? how much to disseminate.
  • Explored the role of distance education making videos and on-line learning options.


  • AUCD- aware of grant opportunities and facilitate opportunities for collaborative work.
  • Use the NCEDC listserve to seek people with common interests for future collaborative projects.
  • This group agreed to keep our discussion on our radar screens as we do "grant project" watching.
  • Proposed we had a conference call to discuss our interests in this are in general and specifically regarding specific grant projects.

New Directors
Michelle Doty, Chigee Cloninger, Katie Ford (NEW) with Shelly Dumas and Kathy Olson

  • All are experience UCDD faculty/staff. They were invited to network with NCEDC members. Position description was requested. Suggested listserve networking.

Monitoring and Accountability
Susan Vig, David Deere, Keith Miller, Debbie Gilmer


  • How we determine and measure outcomes (as OMB, etc. are asking us to)
  • Measuring impact-answering the "so what" question
  • Need to have an influence on the development of next version of MTARS?
  • Peer review- Collaborate talk, share MUST be the way we do our work.

Curriculum Sharing
Mary Mercer, Elizabeth Janks and Elizabeth DeBrine

  • National Conference held in Midwest 2 days regarding curriculum resources and adult learners.
    • Assessment of training competency based evaluations.
    • Strategies for teaching adult learners.
    • UCEDD's bring their curriculum to present and share how order forms all topics relating to disabilities.
    • Demonstrate how to use web portal to find curriculum and products and how to put products on web portal.
  • Teleconference 1 time per month for whole year.
    • 4 topics on curriculum each session for 2 hours.
    • Any UCEDD can respond to call for presentations for any topic.
    • Each UCEDD would present for 10 minutes each time (i.e. Autism, behavior management, etc.)
    • Real timed and archived for 2 years on website

Medicaid Workgroup Brief Notes

AUCD contact: ndrew Morris
Convened by Jan Nisbet and Mark Swanson
Date of meeting: 11/10/03

AUCD representatives met with CMS representatives (fall, 2003). CMS is interested in interdisciplinary training curricula on consumer-driven services and supports and self-determination.

Next Steps

  • AUCD is planning to submit a proposal to CMS to develop curriculum materials that can be used courses delivered in multiple disciplines to provide information on consumer directed supports and services and self-determination.
  • As a foundation, members of the Medicaid workgroup will develop core principles to guide this work (these will be shared with the workgroup).
  • CMS mentioned the next round of New Freedom funding and the workgroup was asked to consider ideas for the upcoming funding.
  • The workgroup discussed having an AUCD exhibit at the CMS March 1-3 conference (this seemed to be a good idea and Andrew Morris will look into this possibility).
  • To keep the group informed an Intranet site will be set up for the group with emails when updates are added.


Submitted by:
Tera Yoder
Partnership for People with Disabilities
Virginia Commonwealth University
(804) 828-3879