Envisioning the Future: Allies in Self Advocacy Report

November 21, 2011


pdf File Full Report: PDF for printing (872KB) [download]

doc File Full Report: Accessible in MSWord (7,404KB) [download]

pdf File Summary Report: PDF for Printing (468KB) [download]

doc File Summary Report: Accessible in MSWord (3,324KB) [download]

pdf File Appendix A: DD Network Info (6p) (183KB) [download]

pdf File Appendix B: Summit Agenda (4p) (483KB) [download]

pdf File Appendix C: State Team Plans (45p) (137KB) [download]

pdf File Appendix D: National Recommendations (24p) (108KB) [download]

Valuing the vital importance of the self-advocacy movement, the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) launched an unprecedented commitment to better understand the current state of the movement, promote state team planning, and develop suggestions for national actions and policy to support the movement. In collaboration with the Developmental Disabilities network, self-advocates, and allies, a series of five regional summits across the country were held in the spring of 2011 to promote collaboration, planning, and recommendations at the state and national levels.

This report summarizes the goals of the Self-Advocacy Summit Initiative and describes the planning, implementation, findings, outcomes, evaluation, and feedback of the events.

Two reports were developed: one self-advocate summary (8 pages) and one full report (26 pages).  At right are two versions of each report: one PDF for printing and dissemination and one full accessible Word version.  To order printed copies of either the self-advocacy summary or the full report, contact AUCD.