2009 Council on Community Advocacy Award

November 10, 2009

Mike Liebowitz, Director of the Munroe-Meyer Institute (center) accepts the 2009 Council on Community Advocacy Award with AUCD President Michael Gamel McCormick (left) and AUCD President-Elect Tamar Heller (right)
Mike Liebowitz, Director of the Munroe-Meyer Institute (center) accepts the 2009 Council on Community Advocacy Award with AUCD President Michael Gamel McCormick (left) and AUCD President-Elect Tamar Heller (right)

Munroe-Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation at the University of Nebraska Medical Center awarded 2009 Council on Community Advocacy Award

Munroe-Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation at the University of Nebraska Medical Center received the 2009 Council on Community Advocacy Award at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Annual Meeting and Conference.

The Council on Community Advocacy Award is presented to the UCEDD that has exhibited the strongest commitment to support the full and active participation of self advocates and family members on its consumer advisory council; has demonstrated leadership in the promotion and use of assistive technology to enhance the lives and participation of individuals with disabilities (i.e. may have a model program); has an outstanding record in providing and encouraging best or promising practices in person and family centered principles; and utilizes culturally competent approaches and overall consumer accessibility in all aspects of their mission (including publications, activities, and projects).

Munroe-Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation has steadfastly worked to increase the role of its Consumer Advisory Board.  The Institute has compensated parents and self-advocates for their travel and time in their involvement with the CAC for over 15 years. In the most recent core grant with ADD, funds were set aside in the budget for a CAC-directed project and ADD cited this application as exemplary.  For the CAC-directed project, the Council selected objectives in the areas of Transition, Employment, and Educational Inclusion of individuals with disabilities.


Established in 1971, AUCD is a membership organization comprised of three national networks of interdisciplinary, university-based Centers dedicated to research, education, leadership training, policy development, and direct service for people with disabilities.