Training Guide Minutes: January 28, 2009

January 28, 2009

On the Call

David Helm, Judith Holt, Keith Miller, Ruth Roberts, Karen Edwards, Anne Harris, David Deere, Kay Conklin, Sue Pearson,  Terri Urbano, Robin Hansen, Louann Rinner, Crystal Pariseau


The history of the ID Tr Guide was briefly reviewed including the notes from this year's annual AUCD meeting of the Council.  The agenda was presented as:

  1. discussion of format
  2. discussion of sections
  3. creation of a process
  4. timelines


We began with a general discussion on who the target audience of this product would be (Training Directors within the LEND/UCEDD network) and how this product could be used (both for new program development as well as revisions of existing programs, and for sharing with colleagues not in the network - dept. chairs, administrators, etc.). This was compared to the development of the new Trainee Handbook that the NTDC is also working on that is targeting the new trainees both in LEND and UCEDD programs.


It was agreed that both a hard copy as well as an electronic version would be produced - both have utility.  Hard copy can also be used for non-network promotion (to Deans, Dept. Chairs, etc) where an electronic-only version would not be as effective.  Participants along with AUCD would provide support such that copies will be made for all programs but pdf versions would also be available for downloading and printing at the centers.


Each section was discussed as to its utility for the new edition.  All sections were retained. An additional section would discuss interdisciplinary training in new programs such as Disability Studies.  In addition a sub section of this might include service learning or the use of technology for teaching. The sections would be:

  1. Interdisciplinary Training
    • This would look at the history and define
  2. Core Curriculum
    • This would be a general discussion with examples provided in Appendices
  3. Other Curricula
    • This is where Disabilities Studies and similar programs would be discussed as models of ID training
  4. Training Directors: Roles and Mentorship
    • This could also include more on role of faculty as mentors and faculty development
  5. Evaluation
    • This would not only review the ADD and MCH requirements and provide info on AUCD tools for self-evaluation, but may also provide some information on trainee evaluations within a program and strategies for long term follow up.
  6. Lessons Learned
    • This section would include the sage wisdom of TD across the country and would be collected via a solicitation on the listserv
  7. Appendices
    1. Terminology
    2. Funding sources
    3. Core Curricula (examples of LEND, UCEDD, Dis Studies, etc - a few of each presented within a template)
    4. References

Next Steps

Crystal offered AUCD services to create a web page for a Sharepoint document. Thus, AUCD is creating a Sharepoint site for this workgroup.  By using Sharepoint, chapter groups can post their work online so all group members can access the latest version, make comments and suggestions on their work or the work of another chapter group, and hold online discussions.

David will send out the minutes and TD's will be able to sign up to participate in any of the sections using the Doodle link provided.  These small groups will review the old documents, edit and create new materials as needed.  These can each be done via the Sharepoint site for their group. A timeline will be developed. Each small working group will choose a leader to participate with other group leaders to facilitate communication across the network.